2016’s Self Care Week Showed a Marked Improvement in Self Care Activity
An evaluation of Self Care Week in 2016, which has been running since 2009, showed last year’s efforts were bigger and better than those of the previous year.
In fact, year on year, Self Care Week improves markedly with more local organisations, national organisations and more press coverage promoting, supporting and covering Self Care Week and so extending its reach and its chances of helping people look after their health.
In addition to the vast amount of local activity in communities during Self Care Week, a parliamentary debate took place in the House of Commons with Sir Kevin Barron MP concluding “self care and preventive healthcare will be crucial to the future of the nation and its people.”
Commenting on the results of the Self Care Week evaluation, co-chair, GP Dr Pete Smith said “we are delighted with the enthusiasm, excitement and dedication shown by a wide range of individuals and organisations during Self Care Week in supporting and encouraging people to take better care of their physical health and mental wellbeing, and we very much hope that this passion and action continues throughout the year too.”
This year’s Self Care Week, entitled “Embracing Self Care for Life” has the theme of engaging and empowering people.
Here is an infographic with Self Care Week 2016’s headline news.