By Helen Donovan, Self Care Forum Chair, Royal College of Nursing’s Professional Lead for Public Health and the James Bond of coronavirus

Don’t panic – it’s just more information on coronavirus! Hard not to quell the rising fear when faced with front page news, running television commentary, masks on public transport, hand gel being brandished like weapons, ‘the Wuhan shake’ in place of a hand shake making us all look as if we are doing a strange chicken dance. Has the world gone mad with overreaction and the reality is that it is “no worse than flu” (which let’s face it can be rather grim) or is this a mass conspiracy theory where information and misinformation need spy level training?
What can you do and how can you look after yourself and those you love? Think of me as the James Bond of coronavirus if you will?
This useful infographic from the BBC gives simple self care steps for protecting yourself and what to do should you feel ill or think you are at risk.
Read more here.
For ways to self care during periods of enforced social isolation go to Chatter Pack which has a series of free “boredom busting” online links to keep you entertained for hours.