If you’re involved in the delivery of care, please help by completing our questionnaire.
The Self Care Forum and Imperial College London’s Self Care Academic Research Unit (SCARU) are inviting all professionals involved in the delivery of care, across all sectors, to participate and complete our short online questionnaire.
The Self Care Forum, in collaboration with SCARU, is conducting a major survey entitled: Changes in professionals’ attitudes to, and practice of, self care during the pandemic.
COVID-19 has fundamentally changed the delivery of health and care services. Supported self care has revealed itself as the critical answer to tackling the pandemic. Professionals and the population alike have successfully adapted their expectations and practice to support this way of working. Yet little is known about this quantum change in professional attitudes and practice and its likely impact.
We are undertaking qualitative research to explore this further. We would appreciate your help and ask that you spare 5-10 minutes to complete this eSurvey.
Please feel free to disseminate study information and the link to your personal contacts of health and social care professionals. Ethical approvals are in place.