According to research in Population Studies – A journal of demography, we are living longer but not necessarily in good health.
The study, which looked at generational health of working aged people, and suggests that younger generations can no longer expect to lead healthier lives than their ancestors. People in England in their forties and fifties are, on average, in significantly worse physical shape than those now in their sixties and seventies were at the same age.
Study co-author, George Ploubidis, professor of population health and statistics at University College London said: “Earlier in the 20th century a rise in life expectancy went hand in hand with an increase in healthy lifespan — younger generations were living longer, healthier lives. It appears that, for those generations born between 1945 and 1980, this trend has stalled. Those born later are expected to live longer on average, but with more years of ill health.”
Ultimately, this worrying health trend points to a greater demand for public healthcare at younger ages.