Urine symptoms in men

This page helps you understand what’s ‘normal’ and what you can do to help yourself if you are affected by urinary symptoms, such as peeing very often, getting up at night more than once or twice to pee, a slow pee stream, leaking urine (incontinence), or having to rush to the toilet a lot of the time. It also tells you when to become concerned and seek advice from a health professional.

Useful facts

How common are urine symptoms?
Many men develop problems with storing or passing urine (urinary symptoms) as they get older. Up to half of adult men have some urinary symptoms up to the age of 40, while 66 out of 100 men between 40 and 60 and over 75 out of 100 men aged over 60 experience them.

What causes urine symptoms?
Many men with urine symptoms worry about prostate cancer. But an enlarged prostate (called benign prostatic hyperplasia) is much more common – and the two are not linked. Not all urinary symptoms are caused by the prostate gland. Other causes include diabetes, urinary-tract infections (UTIs), sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and bladder cancer.

What can I expect to happen?

Depending on the underlying cause, urinary symptoms can be short-term (for example if caused by a urinary-tract infection) or long-term (if caused by a long-term underlying condition).

While there may not always be a cure for urine symptoms, changes in lifestyle (such as reducing caffeine-containing drinks) and treatments (such as medicines) can help manage urinary symptoms.

Treatment for urinary symptoms

Treatment for urinary problems depends on the underlying cause and is often aimed at improving symptoms.

So, if you’re not too concerned by your symptoms, you can often manage urine symptoms by making a few changes to your lifestyle (see section on “what can I do to get myself better now and in the future?”).

Over the counter (OTC) products: Tamsulosin can be bought at pharmacies. It can help if an enlarged prostate is causing a slow urinary stream. See your GP within 6 weeks of starting this medicine if you buy it yourself, to make sure it is ok for you to continue. Avoid herbal medicines until you’ve spoken to your doctor or community pharmacist.

Incontinence products help but your problems may be treatable.

A member of your pharmacy team or your GP can advise.

More information about “Tamsulosin” is on the NHS website here. 

What can I do to get myself better now and in the future?

Keep a drink diary for a few days: Look at what you drink during a typical day. It can be useful to keep a diary for a few days, making a note of:

  • what you drink (for example tea, coffee, alcohol and water)
  • the amount you drink (use a measuring jug or estimate the volume – a typical mug holds approximately 250mls)
  • the time of day when you drink

Fluid intake: Aim to drink between 1500 and 2000mls per day. Many people think that they need to drink large amounts of fluid each day for good health, but this is untrue and will often make urinary symptoms worse.

Avoid stimulants: If you drink large amounts of tea, coffee, fizzy drinks or alcohol, try cutting these down as they can increase urinary symptoms. Even decaffeinated tea or coffee can cause problems, so try switching to mainly water, fruit juice, squash or herbal teas and see how this impacts on your symptoms.

Avoid drinks before bedtime: If you wake during sleep to pee and you find this troubling, look at your fluid intake before you go to bed. Try to decrease the amount of drinks before you go to sleep, and particularly avoid tea, coffee and alcohol. This can make a big difference.

Massage: If you leak urine into your underwear after peeing, this simple technique may help: press upwards on the area between the sack containing your testicles and your back passage after peeing and massage gently upwards and forwards – this can push out the last bit of urine and prevent leakage.

Bladder training: If you pee too frequently or have to rush to go to the toilet, consider some simple bladder training techniques.  See “where can I find out more?” for links. 

Exercise more: Increasing your level of physical exercise and losing weight can reduce urinary symptoms and also improve other aspects of your health.

When should I seek medical attention?

Contact your GP surgery for advice if you:
• develop new urinary symptoms, particularly if they worsen quickly.
• have cloudy or smelly urine, or if peeing stings (this may suggest infection).
• find your urinary symptoms troubling and OTC medicines don’t help.
• see blood in your urine – this can be a sign of bladder, kidney or prostate cancer.
• leak urine (called incontinence).
• have difficulty with erections – this is common in men with urinary symptoms.
• worry about prostate cancer, particularly if this runs in your family.

Where can I find out more?

Free bowel and bladder app
Expert Self Care – CONfidence App

Prostate Cancer UK
Your Prostate To discuss any problems with a specialist
nurse, you can call a free helpline on 0800 074 8383.

NHS Websites
NHS Inform Scotland
NI Direct, NI
NHS111, Wales
NHS Website – UTIs

Bladder Exercises
BAUS – Bladder training in men
Healthline: Kegel exercises

We review our health information every two years and this information is due to be updated in October 2026.  Here are details about how we develop and review our self-care aware fact sheets.