Self-Care Summit (2018)
The country needs Self Care Communities if we are to make real progress on improving health outcomes and reducing health inequalities.
This was the recommendation of leading figures from the NHS, Royal Colleges, academia and patient groups at the first ever Self Care Summit last month. The event, jointly organised by the Self Care Forum and the Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH), met to examine ways of accelerating self care in the population and help to secure the health of the nation in ten years. A report of which is now available.
Self-Care Communities are based on Marmot Cities which are designed to tackle health inequalities with a focus on indicators for life expectancy, wellbeing, employment, environment, child development and prevention and are already being developed.
Self Care Conference 2017
Embracing Self Care for Life
The 19th Annual Self Care Conference took place on 26 September and had the theme of engaging and empowering people, below are the presentations from the conference.
Dr Pete Smith (Self Care Forum Co-chair)
Austen El-Osta (SCARU)
Professors Alf Collins and Matthew Cripps (NHS England)
Lorenzo Gordon (Maldaba)
Ade Williams (Bedminster Pharmacy)
Mike Oliver (Stoke on Trent Council)
David Cowan (Wakefield County Council)
Diane Burke and Lucy Jackson (Leeds City Council)
Professor Chris Drinkwater (Ways of Wellness)
Alyson McGregor (Altogether Better)
Gill Phillips (Nutshell Communications) (email if you would like a copy)
Conference Report
We hope you will enjoy reading the report from the Annual Self Care Conference which includes a section on the outputs from the World Cafe table discussion. Please contact if you have any questions or if you would like to be added to the mailing list for next year’s conference.
Poster Competition –
Congratulations to the winner of the Poster Competition, Bracknell Forest Council with their “Year of Self Care” poster. Here are all the poster entries:
Henshaw Society for Blind People
Self Care Conference 2016
Self Care Conference Report: Longer Lives but in poorer health
First the good news – life expectancy in the UK is rising. Today, at current rates, one in five boys and one in every three girls aged five will live to celebrate their 100th birthday.
But there is also bad news – while people are living longer, they are also spending more of their extra years in poor health. Moreover, not everyone is sharing in the overall trend towards longer living; in 2013, if you were living in the most deprived areas of the country, you could expect to be only just getting close to the life expectancy levels enjoyed by less-deprived groups way back in 1990, the Self Care Forum (SCF)’s annual Self Care Conference, held recently in London, has heard.
Presentations from the Conference:
- Dr Pete Smith, Co-Chair, Self Care Forum
- Anu Singh, NHS England
- Gul Root, Public Health England / Department of Health
- Helen Marshall and Helen Corteen, Brook Young People
- Enid Feather, Collette Connolly, Bradford
- Lisa McNally, Bracknell Forest Council
Here is a short clip of some highlights from the Self Care Conference 2016
Self Care Conference 2015
The 2015 Self Care Conference was on the theme of ‘Achieving Self Care for Life’ and took place on 11th November.
The conference showcased a forthcoming student health app, health literacy, presentations on exemplar Self Care Week campaigns, inspirational local pharmacy initiatives, CLANGERS, and insights from a People’s Panel on how to support people to look after their health better.
The co-chair of the Self Care Forum, Dr Pete Smith took us on a journey of self care and highlighted the next phase of the Self Care Forum which will be known as the Self Care Foundation.
To download the full conference report click here
The full report which is also separated into three smaller reports below for a shorter read:
- Self Care is Crucial for NHS Survival
- Getting Serious about Prevention
- Public Health is Crucial for Self Care
The conference presentations can be downloaded below:
- Dr Pete Smith, Co Chair, Self Care Forum Board: Opens the Conference
- Wendy Nicholson – Lead Nurse: Children,young people &families: Self Care for Life -A Public Health Perspective
- Matthew Clift – Bracknell Forest Council and Bracknell and Ascot CCG: Self Care week: A Local Campaign
- Tina butler – Bradford Council, Enid Feather – Airedale, Wharfedale And Craven CCG, Collette Connolly – Bradford District and City CCG: Working Jointly to Support people to Self Care for Life
- Dr Knut Schroeder – Self Care Forum Board: How a Health app can help students
- Alistair Murray – Green Light Pharmacy: How can Pharmacy help people Self Care for Life?
Self Care Conference 2014
The Annual Self Care Conference was held in London on 10th November 2014 with the theme of ‘Can self care plug the £30 billion NHS gap?’.
The conference was attended by delegates from Clinical Commissioning Groups and NHS organisations and was aimed at helping those working in the NHS to implement self care strategies for demand management.
The conference presentations can be downloaded below:
- Rob Webster, Chief Executive, NHS Confederation: How the experts plan to fix the NHS
- Dr Pete Smith, GP, winner of the NICE Shared Learning Award 2014 and Self Care Forum Board member: Wanless 12 years on – Any further forward?
- Dr William Bird, GP: Motivating patients to be self care aware
To download the full conference report please click here
You can also watch video clips from the Annual Self Care Conference below:
Earl Howe speaking about ‘engagement today’:
Lord Hunt of Kings Heath speaking about ‘Engagement: Implementing health policy’:
Earl Howe and Lord Hunt of Kings Heath panel discussion:
Self Care Conference 2013
The Annual Self Care Conference was held in London on 12th November 2013 with the theme of ‘Self Care for Life – Take Control!‘
The conference was aimed at health professionals and NHS organisations to help them find ways to address demand, reduce workload and support self care.
The conference presentations can be downloaded below:
- Prof Ian Banks, Self Care Forum Board: Welcome and introductions
- Dr Beth McCarron-Nash, GPC Negotiator and Self Care Forum Board member: Save our NHS – Time for action on self care
- Rob Darracott, Pharmacy Voice: A national campaign for the winter
- Victoria Thomas, NICE: Supporting patients and clinicians in getting the right outcomes
- Dr David Wrigley: The North Lancashire CCG self care pilot – first views from the coal face
- Jo Wadey, Chair of the West Sussex Practice Management Network and Chris Moon-Willems, PPG Chair at St Lawrence Surgery: How St Lawrence Surgery has engaged patients in self care
- Dr Sam Everington, Bromley-by-Bow Centre: The challenge in the south
- Dr Pete Smith, National Association of Primary Care and Self Care Forum Board member: The winter box set in Kingston-upon-Thames
To download the full conference report please click here
Earl Howe, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Quality, gave the conference opening speech which you can watch in the video below:
Self Care Conference 2012
The Annual Self Care Conference was held in central London on 8th November 2012 with the theme “mission impossible”.
The aim of the conference was to stimulate debate on whether it is an impossible task to change how the NHS and health professionals promote self care; and whether patients have sufficient confidence to make the change towards self care, whether it is to manage their everyday health problems like coughs and colds, or to care for long-term health conditions as we age. Expert speakers shared their views on what needs to change to make self care happen.
To read the full conference report please click here
The presentations are available to download below and Norman Lamb MP’s opening speech can be viewed on You Tube:
- Paul Johnson, Insitute of Fiscal Studies: Rising to the NHS Financial Challenge: outlook to 2021/2
- Gopa Mitra, PAGB and Self Care Forum member: The challenge – minor ailments
- Dr Knut Schroeder, Concord Medical Practice and Self Care Forum member: The challenge – minor ailments
- Dr Peter Smith, National Association of Primary Care and Self Care Forum member: The challenge – primary care
- Dr Simon Fradd, GP Clinical Lead in Southwark and Self Care Forum member: The challenge – education
- Professor David Haslam’s motion on ‘Has modern medicine infantilised us?’
- Stephanie Varah, Chief Executive, National Association for Patient Participation (N.A.P.P)’, statement on ‘Has modern medicine infantilised us?’
- Angela Hawley, Department of Health and Self Care Forum member: Technology can facilitate patient self care balance
- Dr David Wrigley, Lancahire North CCG: CCGs can endorse and embed self care
- Linda Bracewell, Baxenden Pharmacy: Pharmacy can support the first steps to self care
- Dr Beth McCarron-Nash, BMA’s GPC: The Self Care mission: self care for life
Self Care Conference 2011
The 12th Annual Self-Care Conference took place 8 November, RIBA, London, 9.30am – 4.30pm. It was hosted jointly by PAGB, the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP), Royal College of Nursing (RCN) and National Association for Patient Participation (NAPP).
Download the delegate booklet for the agenda, speaker profiles and attendees.
Download the official report of the conference.
Mike Farrar CBE, chief executive, NHS Confederation spoke via video link. To watch the video please click here.
The 12th Annual Self-Care Conference took place on 8th November 2011 on the theme of ‘Behavioural change for better health, better care and better services’. This video clip shows the highlights from the event.
Paul Burstow MP, Minister for Care Services, opened the 12th Annual Self-Care Conference and used his speech to launch Self Care Week 2011.
Stephanie Varah, CEO of the National Association of Patient Participation (NAPP), launched a NAPP project to support practices in providing self-care support to patients.
The Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) launched the e-learning module ‘Supporting self-care for minor ailments’.
Members of the Self Care Forum discuss the Forum’s current work programme and next steps.Speaker Presentations
Download speaker presentations from the day by clicking on the names below.