National Self-Care Week

National Self-Care Week

17- 23 November 2025

Mind & Body

What is National Self-Care Week?

  • Self-Care Week is an annual national awareness week that focuses on embedding support for self-care across communities, families and generations.
  • The theme  is “Mind & Body” 
  • The Self-Care Forum will promote the wider continuum of Self-Care but focus particularly on physical activity
  • The Self-Care Forum has been organising Self-Care Week since 2011

Who gets involved in Self-Care Week?

  • International, national, regional, local and community organisations passionate about empowering people to better look after their own physical health and mental wellbeing get involved in Self-Care Week
  • Mostly traditional health organisations use the Week to communicate health messages to their audiences but a growing, diverse community is recognising the benefits of participating in Self-Care Week
  • In 2024, 100s of organisations and individuals used the awareness week to empower their audiences, reaching millions in the UK.

What messages can you promote during Self-Care Week?

  • A range of health messages can be communicated during Self-Care Week including:
    • taking vitamin D supplements, particularly important for those shielding and unable to go outside
    • good nutrition and regular exercise to support general wellbeing and help maximise people’s immunity
    • adopting positive lifestyle choices
    • increasing health literacy levels in the community and in schools
    • supporting mental wellness by keeping connected, ensuring a sense of perspective, and taking further steps to maintain health
    • understanding how to manage common ailments and long term health conditions
  • In addition, Self-Care Week provides an opportunity to promote better use of the NHS by signposting people to the right service relevant to their health needs – in particular, signposting people to pharmacy for accessible health care and advice.
  • The Week can also be used to highlight the the need for vaccinations and screening.  

Where should I start?

  • The Self-Care Forum has resources to help you plan for Self-Care Week such as our 8 point plan and comms plan, we also have best practice case studies, posters and of course the Self-Care Week icon to help brand your activities. 
  • You could also subscribe to our newsletter for updates on Self-Care Week and all things self-care.
  • Or, for more information contact

For news on what happened during previous Self-Care Week’s see the Self-Care Week Reviews. 

Corporate Sponsorship Opportunities

Corporate packages are available to sponsors wishing to strengthen their self-care campaigns by collaborating with the Self-Care Forum.  National Self-Care Week is a perfect time to promote sponsors’ particular self-care messages. To discuss a possible collaboration please contact Libby Whittaker.