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2025's Self-Care Forum Newsletters

In this edition we announce our Self-Care Awards 2025, reveal our latest National Self-Care Week resource, highlight reports about the rise in sickness absence rates and share information from the Happiness Report. 

In this edition physical activity is highlighted as a focus for National Self-Care Week; Prof Sir Chris Ham OBE believes we should revisit the Wanless engagement scenarios; there’s research on smoking and vaping and community and neighbourhood health is mentioned.

The 1st newsletter of 2025 highlights a toolkit produced by the BDA, a Personalised Care Institute report which reveals the decline in personalised care within the NHS, the 2025 icon for Self-Care Week and an index which found nurses and pharmacists are the most highly trusted professions in Ireland. 

2024's Self-Care Forum Newsletters

December’s newsletter contains reports and research published during National Self-Care Week and includes details of Self-Care Week’s activities.    

A special Self-Care Week newsletter, highlights include resources such as social media assets, winner, highly commended and shortlisted self-care award entries, x-chat launch, Take5 Free webinar.   

Highlights includes the Self-Care Forum’s Pif Tick, Self-Care Week X-chat launch, self-care observatory, GPs urged to embed lifestyle advice.   

Highlights include self-care survey, consider promoting existing self-care service during Self-Care Week, NHS in serious trouble according to former health minister, new NHS decision tools for patients.   

Highlights include self-care survey, Self-Care Week resources including our presentation, BMA calls for regulations on vapes and details of an initiative on workplace screening.  

Highlights include letter to the new government with a request to prioritise self-care, Self-Care Week, GP Patient Survey 2024 and WHO’s global inactivity data. 

Highlights include invitation to implement a 7-day Self-Care Week campaign, Diabetes UK report,  125k pharmacy consultations in 1st week of Pharmacy First and LTC self-care app. 

Highlights include 2024 request to follow us on social media, for 2024’s Self-Care Week resources, new women’s health fact sheets,  targeted intervention needed for young female smokers. 

Highlights include 2024 resources for 2024’s Self-Care Week, Men’s Health Week, public perception of NHS, survey on views to change date of Self-Care Week.   

Highlights include 2024 self-care innovation awards open, resources for 2024’s Self-Care Week, supercharge prevention to reduce deaths from CVD and Mental Health UK – the Burnout Report.  

Highlights include the collaboration with RCGP and Parkrun UK, Self Care Forum’s Urdu fact sheets,  health inequalities report (Lives Cut Short) and the 2024 date for Self-Care Week. 

2023's Self-Care Forum Newsletters

Highlights include thank you for taking part in Self-Care Week, loneliness impedes healthy aging, 2 in 5 request GP for common ailments, and new decision making tools.      

Highlights include new Self Care Week social media assets, events, announcement of Self Care Innovators 2023 and more links to self-care resources.      

Highlights include new Urdu fact sheets, new Self Care Week resources including a power point presentation, new resource for wound care and digital audit recommendations.      

Highlights include news of 18 October webinar, Self Care Week email footers, more intervention needed to help Britain’s health, and consultation on inserts to help people quit smoking .    

Highlights include new winter wellness and illness fact sheets, ideas for Self Care Week at 3 months, summer of self-care webinars and self-care research.    

Highlights include details of the Self Care Forum’s new website content, Self Care Week resources, still time to enter the Self Care Innovation Awards, Prevention must be an NHS @ 75 priority 100s of pharmacies set to close.   

Highlights include details of the Self Care Forum’s first webinar, the 2023 Self Care Innovation Awards, Footers for Self Care Week, Delivery Plan to Recover Access to Primary Care.   

Highlights include details of the 2023 Self Care Innovation Awards, Resources to plan Self Care Week, Strep A and Scarlet Fever webinar and latest results of the British Social Attitudes survey.   

Highlights include a first look at 2023’s Self Care Week icon, our new Strep A fact sheet, self care research and PiF guide.  

Highlights include details of 2022’s Self Care Week, Government’s response to the “menopause at work” report and the importance of self care education taught in schools. 

2022's Self Care Forum Newsletters

Highlights include: social media assets for Self Care Week, events for Self Care Week, Self Care Innovation Award: winner and highly commended . free ShinyMinds app (launch 17 Nov)

Highlights include: new self care aware menopause fact sheet launch, resources for Self Care Week, health literacy and health information, WHO’s call to tackle mental health at work. 

Highlights include: Self Care Week resources to help increase school children’s health literacy; Migraine Trust report on children’s experience of migraine;  health information tool from Cognitant; Self Care Forum’s new special advisors.  

August 2022

Highlights include: Ideas for Self Care Week collaborations, new study on causes of cognitive decline, hip fractures higher in vegetarians, how to donate when using Amazon. 

July 2022

Highlights include:  Last Call Out for Innovation Award applications, New Appointees, Community Pharmacists help with cancer referrals, Ade Williams HSJ Top20 Wildcard and Self Care Week. 

June 2022

Highlights include: NICE recommendation for insomnia, WHO’s policy on climate change’s impact on mental health, Self Care Week and reminder about the Self Care Innovation Awards.

May 2022

Highlights include: new NICE guidance for osteoarthritis, parliamentarians discuss self care, go big for 2022’s Self Care Week and ICYMI.

April 2022

Highlights include: new conjunctivitis fact sheet, trustee recruitment, British Social Attitudes Survey, Self Care Week planning resources. 

March 2022

Highlights include: how to become a Self Care Forum Trustee, details of this year’s Self Care Week, a parliamentarians’ report on Menopause in the Workplace, and 2022’s Self Care Innovation Awards. 

2021's Self-Care Forum Newsletters

2020's Self-Care Forum Newsletters

2019's Self Care Forum Newsletters

2018's Self Care Forum Newsletters